I’ve Lived with Lyme for Decades, and This is What it is Like
Updated May 2022 2.5 Decades of Medications and Treatments My childhood was seemingly defined by periods of wellness and illness. After having bouts of sickness in my early years, I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at 10 years old. Years of medications and treatments followed, all with little success or improvement. Periods of illness that left me bedridden were followed by days of freedom as I
Introducing Axis Vehicle Outfitters
We have been building our own vans for a while so…..we’re excited to introduce our latest venture to you all, Axis Vehicle Outfitters. The primary focus of Axis Vehicle Outfitters is to bring simple, durable, high quality, easy to maintain van builds to the market to get more people out adventuring. We focus on very reliable platforms with versatile layouts that are affordable to start with,
Free Campervan Road Trips
Man it feels like we've been on a roller coaster ride, as we are sure you all have been on as well. Back in early March, we found ourselves getting really stressed out and talking about “us and the business” a lot. Then Taylor and I had a moment, a moment of clarity. We have an amazing team, loyal customers, and incredible support from our